Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Chinese Portrait of Brian Molko

I want to share a Chinese Portrait of Brian with you. In this kind of portrait you have to answer questions according to a special scheme (If I was a … I would be ...). . I think this portrait is really interesting to read because it reveals a lot about Brian's personality. 


If I was a colour I would be: black
If I was a city I would be: Paris
If I was a film I would be: Blue Velvet
If I was a book I would be: Lunar Park
If I was a drug I would be: coke
If I was a famous woman I would be: Agnรจs B.
If I was an animal I would be: a monkey
If I was a word I would be: shit
If I was a painting I would be: a Francis Bacon
(Elegy, “Brut”, 2006)

Photo credit unknown
Post by Silke