Monday, July 27, 2020

Interview with Stefan Olsdal - Silver Rocket fan magazine

The Placebo fanclub Silber Rocket (1998-2003) had its own printed fan magazine. In the first issue there was a special interview with Stefan where he was asked questions by his bandmates Brian and Steve Hewitt instead of a journalist. Enjoy reading!

STEVE: “How does it feel to be an original Viking?“
STEFAN: “I don’t speak that language (much laughter).“

STEVE: “Are you looking forward to touring the new LP?“
STEFAN: “Very much… we’ve played old songs for far too long.“

BRIAN: “Have you ever been trapped under ice (more laughter)?“
STEFAN: (pause)
BRIAN: “It’s a simple yes or no.“

STEVE: “What do you do when you’re not doing the band thing?“
STEFAN: “I do my laundry, vacuuming...“

BRIAN: “Who are your idols and tell me about the ones you’ve met.“
STEFAN: “Sonic Youth and Depeche Mode. I met Dave Gahan after Top oft he Pops once and then met him again two weeks later in Paris when we were doing a gig with the Dreams (=Dream City Film Club). We all ended up in the lobby oft he most expensive hotel in Paris with me playing Depeche Mode songs very off the key on the piano. Martin then asked me to play David Bowie songs which I couldn’t play.“

BRIAN: “Who would you like to meet?“
STEFAN: “I’d like to meet ABBA someday. They are one of my favourite bands as everyone knows. I’d like to hang out with them for a while, go for a drink in Stockholm.“

BRIAN: “Who would you like to work with?“
STEFAN: “I’d like to work with Stina Nordenstam, a Swedish jazz pop singer who has turned to photography which is quite disturbing. We could do some really good stuff with her. I’d also like to work with Martin Gore and Depeche Mode.“

STEVE: “What’s been the best act that Placebo have supported?“
STEFAN: “Bowie in Spain. I was standing right in front oft he stage with Bowie six foot away from me. The sound was perfect. Bowie has so much presence and charisma. I loved that show, it was absolutely amazing. It was a real good moment for me.“

STEVE: “What about your favourite Placebo gig?“
STEFAN: “My favourite Placebo gig was the Black Sessions in Paris about a year ago where we played amazingly and looked brilliant. That was probably one oft he happiest and most immense ones. We played really well.“

STEVE: “What do you prefer, playing bass or keyboards?“
STEFAN: “I prefer playing bass live as it gives me some leverage to move around, some weight in front of me. I like playing keyboards but playing piano at Glastonbury this year was a complete nightmare. I have never had such an experience ever because these drums were coming over the PA which were louder than ours. I was watching your hands to keep time thinking I really don’t need this in front of thousands of people!“

STEVE: “What’s the best gig you’ve been to this year?“
STEFAN: “Watching Massive Attack at the Royal Albert Hall intoxicated in a box, brilliant sound.“

STEVE: “What about bass players, who are your favourites?“
STEFAN: “John Paul Jones writes good bass lines. I also like Joe Stanton from the Sneaker Pimps. When I was a lot younger I liked the bass player from Iron Maiden who I have since gone off completely!“

BRIAN: “What’s your favourite film?“
STEFAN: “‘Apocalypse Now‘ is one of my favourites. Also an Italian film callled ‘Cinema Paradiso‘ which was on TV the other night. It’s a really good film.“

BRIAN: “Final question – what’s your favourite TV show?“
STEFAN: “Definitely The Simpsons, but I also like Stars in your Eyes.“

Photo credits: Scarlet Page

Post by Silke