Saturday, October 8, 2016

Brian Molko interview: "I don't like listening to Placebo" 2016 French Radio RTL2

Brian Molko en interview : "Je n'aime pas écouter Placebo"

Brian Molko for RTL2 (French Radio)
Translation into English by Bènèdicte Convert, Placebo Anyway team member.

We wanted to do a retrospective, as if you were doing a retrospective of an artist in an art gallery.
Brian Molko: I wanted to show all the colors of Placebo, all the sounds we have explored during our career. So I’ve approached that in this way. A little bit like a curator, like an art gallery. That’s why, of course, there are our most successful songs, but there are also b-sides, songs which haven’t had, in my opinion, enough attention.

Brian has chosen a real specific order for the songs in this album.
Brian Molko: So it’s not arranged in a chronological order, but much more in an emotional order. So, if one has the courage to listen to the album from start to the end, I hope it will launch the person who listens in a long immersive trip. It’s a habit for Placebo to cover our own songs. It’s often necessary to rediscover what we used to love in this song and be able to play them live. 
Next tour will include old songs, rarely played live.

Brian Molko: What we’ve done is trying to find a balance between please ourselves as musicians, and please the audience. This time we’ve decided that, because we’re releasing this compilation, there’s the 20th anniversary, we’re gonna play songs that people have waited for years to hear live. So the message is simple: if you want to see Pure Morning and Nancy Boy live, come to these shows, because there is no guarantee that we would play them again on next tour. In fact, it won’t happen, I already know that. I do not even know if we’ll ever play them again. This is a huge opportunity for a Placebo fan.

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Translation by Bénédicte Convert
Screenshots by Susie Bosco