And if there's anything better than watching Placebo take set-of-the.day by a twisted
mile,it'swatching boyswatch Placebo.
Jee-zus,how some of the distrust Brian (Who's only made up of Readiohead's Johnny
Greenwood, ThedaBara and Brett Anderson crossed with a panther, after all) like
a bad smell, or one of those scary dreams about kissing a girl who, unnh, turs
out to hav a dick.
Of course,maybe it's just his voice - a greedy, teasing yowl skating like a cat on butter
. that gets 'em nervous.
"This is a song...." Brian begins.
"Another song in a f***ing sequaky voice, interjects a nearby fat bloke sourly.
"...about a robot***. It's called Bionic, Brian concludes, deadpan, and lunges.
Fat bloke shuts the f*** up.
An Placebo careen, heels flashiing, through their sugar - and venom minefield of razorwire, bruises, cold blood, and ooh, far too much hot blood.
When Iook over, Fat Bloe is bouncing. Wait 'Til his next puzzlingly ambiguous sexy dram, I betcha.
Melody Maker "Concert Review", 1996