Thursday, March 5, 2015

Placebo Dublin @Olympia 25/02/2015 - Concert review and 20th anniversary soulmate interview with Gabriela Stöcklin from Germany

Placebo tour 2015 & Placebo20 soulmate never dies interview
by The PlaceboAnyway Team & Gabriela Stöcklin
Live photos credits on our page's live album from Dublin
Layout Susie Bosco 

Interview with Grabriela Stöcklin from Germany  about the sold out Placebo show in Dublin  (25/02/2015), all latetes news and much more…

Our favourite band is on tour again. These days we are enjoying the biggest UK & Irish tour Placebo ever had.  Recently we could read what can the fans expect from the gigs? The answer was: something more in touch with the band's roots. "We're playing in smaller venues than those we normally play in," says Brian, "to create a kind of intimate ambience. We recently played in small clubs around the United States, and while the tour wasn't financially successful, it boosted our confidence. It showed we could still pull off gigs like that!

Placebo Anyway:  So, our first question is. How was the gig and did you get more in touch with the band’s roots in the smaller venues?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I don't exactly know about the roots but it was very intimate and I think this very special venue had a great influence on the mood of the band and with that on us.
The gig was absolutely awesome. The best I've seen from them by far. I had the impression it was even a special gig to them. Brian was obviously in awe for the historic theater.

Credits Photo:
Olga Kuzmenko

Pacebo Anyway: What about the boys energy?

Gabriela Stöcklin: It was mind blowing. I get happy tears in my eyes when I just think of the change in Brian.  At my first gig in November 2013 I had the impression he was afraid – this time he seemed utterly happy.

Placebo Anyway:  Band's members are usually very restrain, non-talkative and laconic on the stage. We read some reviews about their concerts and people often are so unsatisfied with this "Placebo's bad behavior". What is your opinion?

Gabriela Stöcklin: At first I don't like this attitude of their friends. They never tried to be rude. I really had the impression Brian was struggling in the not-too-far past with fears, maybe a wrong medication for depressions or god knows what. I've seen in Mönchengladbach last summer that he was muuuuch better off already but this time – it's no compare.

Placebo Anyway: About Molko little speeches before the songs. What’s your opinion?

Gabriela Stöcklin: As in my first gig he didn't say one word I was already happy with his 'normal' little speeches. It's not much different to any other band. All bands usually repeat what the say on stage. In Dublin Brian made even a big exception. Before announcing 'Too many friends' he said he recognizes a lot of people in the crowd, especially in the first row, and he knows they have heard that a couple of times already and he is sorry for it but for all the others... and then came the usualy little speech. I think that very lovely.

 Placebo Anyway: What about the set-list? I have to wait for the first set list to be able to ask something… I would like to ask you about Nancy Boy and My Sweet Prince

Gabriela Stöcklin: They didn't play both of these songs, sorry. But Brian said they are playing a song they didn't play in many years and he hopes we enjoy it because they enjoy very much to play that song. (So here is another new little speech) And then they started into 'Special Needs'. There was also 'Space Monkey' and this beautiful version of 'I know', besides the usual.

Placebo Anyway: How do you think can all Placebo concerts be special, as for you and them as well?
When you get to the point where you realize that this particular gig is really kind of magic...Or every Placebo concert is unforgettable and unique experience for you anyway?

Gabriela Stöcklin: For me it is already very special and perfect if they are just natural. For them I hope that their fans will give all their energy and really stop holding their cell phones up constantly. I go to a gig to live it, not to watch later what I could have lived.

Placebo Anyway:  A new tour, a new tour drummer. How was for you the moment you read on the social networks about Steve Forrest leaving Placebo?

Gabriela Stöcklin: At first I was shocked. I hoped that there was no big fight behind the scenes and that it would not drown Brian but then I thought about it some more and thought maybe this decision hovering above them all the time maybe was much worse for the mood in the band and that with the break there could be new energy now. And I am happy it really is like that.

Placebo Anyway:  We wish Steve and his band Planes good luck. There will go on tour soon too. Will you go to one of their shows?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I would like to go to one of their shows, even if I have to admit it is more for a thanx to Steve as I do not know a lot of their music. But it depends on where the gigs are. I would probably not travel too far for Planes.

Credits photos: Planes

Placebo Anyway:  Do you see any difference between Steve Forrest and Matt Lunn (old Placebo friend and drummer of Colour of Fire)? How do you think do the band members feel convenient touring with him?

Gabriela Stöcklin: Matt was alright. I think his drum was much smaller than Steve's but that must be due to the tiny stage. And I had the impression he's less energetic. But he's not that experienced yet. I mean he didn't play for Placebo in quite a while and so he won't over-do but play a good show. And he really did. I think Stef and Brian like touring with him, though there was not much more interaction with him.

Placebo Anyway:  Would you like to see Matt Lunn (old Placebo friend and drummer of Colour of Fire)  as an official drummer?  On the other hand, do you like more the idea of Brian & Stefan being the only official members now of Placebo?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I don't mind both ways. I am happy if Matt would be officially the new drummer but I don't mind much if he follows his other band and Placebo would find another one.
I also think it would be absolutely okay if Stef & Brian would make Placebo and there's no other official member. After all there had to be 6 official band members otherwise.

Placebo Anyway: One thing that we have noticed about this tour is how sometimes people are going alone and ask in the fan pages for company. In fact, the official twitter account once twitted a request for a fan. This is certainly not common behavior in other fan bases . Why do you think this is?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I never realized that. I am astounded that when I tell people I know for years that I am a fan of Placebo now that they always reply: Oh yeah, they're good, I've also seen them live … bla bla. 

But for fans searching fans … Maybe the vulnerability that is displayed in the music of Placebo gives the people confidence to ask, when others don't dare. And also the melancholy in the music maybe is more for people that don't have friends around all the while, more for introverts. But that is really guessing!

Credits Photo:
Olga Kuzmenko

Placebo Anyway: Let us speak about more projects. Did you get Brian’s book “Selected”? What kind of version did you order and how do you feel with this book, what does it give to you?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I have the book, the normal version. Brian's words in the beginning really touched me and I also think it is a mirror to how he appeared on stage in end of 2013. I am happy he seems more confident now. For the rest it's interesting to read the lyrics of course as I don't listen close enough usually.

Placebo Anyway: Some days before the touring started Stefan presented on the famous Spanish radio Channel ‘Radio3’  a song in colaboration with Digital 21. We could listen to the song “war” at the ‘Siglo21’  programme and we would like to ask you, what do you think about this project and  also the other social activities of Mr. Olsdal. More information here..

Gabriela Stöcklin: I try not to follow the band members too much outside the band to not interrupt their privacy too much. But as the official FB site of Placebo posted the song I also heard it and loved it. I like it very much that they all have other projects where they can live out their creativity that does not have space within Placebo.

Fiona Brice - Portrait by Emilie Bailey Photography
Make-up by Freddie Stoppler
Cables kindly lent by Ian Nelson

Placebo Anyway: Tour memember Fiona Brice was also recording an album. What do you expect and do you wanna get it?

Gabriela Stöcklin: I didn't even know about it, I have to admit. :(

Placebo Anyway:  We are celebrating  Placebo's 20 years. The first special thing Placebo prepared for their fans was the posibilty to listen to all their albums remastered online .  We enjoyed them a lot with this amazing sound. Did you like this idea? What about the upcoming vinyls? Do you want to get them even if you don’t have a vinyl record player?

Gabriela Stöcklin: As I don't have a player and not too much money I won't buy them. I am not really a collector. I love to celebrate them live. But I like both ideas veeeeery much. It is so great making the albums available! And I guess the fans also love the vinyls, it is only my personal choice.

Placebo Anyway: Imagine you could prepare a special Placebo20th party in a small venue, band included. Choose a place which do you think it would be perfect and what would you prepare for this party?

Gabriela Stöcklin: Puh, this is a tough question. I think the Olympia Theater in Dublin was extremely special already and as they seemed to love it I would think about that again. But also the Brixton Academy in London is special to them. Maybe it would be cool to see them in a quarry, something like that!

Placebo Anyway: What would you ask Brian Molko from 1996?

Gabriela Stöcklin: Good god, I knew Placebo in 1998 but I was not exaclty a fan back then...
In 1996 they were not really famous yet. So I maybe would have asked for their plans and dreams.

Placebo Anyway: What would you ask Brian Molko in 2015?

Gabriela Stöcklin: If they still have dreams, things they want to archive. And after this amazing Dublin-gig: If love is his new drug. ;)

Placebo Anyway: What would influence your questions?

Gabriela Stöcklin: His mood of course.

Placebo Anyway: Many bands from the 90's are turning 15 , 20 years what do you think makes Placebo so different?

Gabriela Stöcklin: That they re-invent themselfes with each new album and that they do give a fuck for critics in a way.

Credits Photo:
Olga Kuzmenko

Placebo Anyway: Coming to the end of the interview, please define the Dublin concert with 3 words.

Credits: pure bliss, memorable, makes worth living

Interview by Susie Bosco, Diana E.T.Foghing, Mary Scott, Xenia Gerasimova and Zarynita Molko  in colaboration with Gabriela Stöcklin  from Germany.
Facebook: Placebo Anyway