Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Placebo Valentines Day

Happy Valentine

Placebo Valentines Fanfiction by G.S. chocolate in colaboration with Placebo Anyway 

„I miss them!“ the small singer whined.
„Already?“ the tall bassist asked back.
The young drummer just laughed at the older man, what earned him an annoyed look.
„I want them back!“ he wailed on, with more energy now, stomping down his foot in protest when he was shoved into the tour bus by his friends.
In the aisle he turned around once more, making the tall man stumble and the young beauty bump into them, make all three of them pile-up.
„Brian!“ They both shouted in unison.
He stopped his howling mid-sentence as he saw there was no way. He couldn't have them back. Not today. He had to accept his fate.


„Common, honey, you know it won't be long.“ The Swede said as he slumped down on the chair next to the picture of misery that Brian was.
He had his knees pulled up to his chest, clutching them to hold back his nervous fidgeting, staring out the window on the empty road, a single tear running down his beautiful cheek.
„I know...“ he sniffled his reply, turning his head to look at his long time companion with a tiny forced but grateful smile. „I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay with them.“
 „Oh honey, you know there are thousands waiting for us to play a great concert tomorrow, again.“
„Yeah... I know. But when we shared such a good time as today it is so hard to say good-bye and leave for the loneliness in this damn bus.“
„Hey!“ Stef rubbed over the head of his mate with his knuckles teasingly. „You are not alone. You have me! And that gorgeous sun-shine over there.“ he hint with his head towards where Steve was sitting, smiling like a lunatic at a screen while he was trying to heat up the fans for the next show via Twitter.
For a long moment Brian only starred at his friend, his eye-brows pulled up with a look of reproach.
Eventually Stef pressed his lips together, his hand sliding down on the shoulder of the small man for comfort. „I know how you feel...“ he finally admit while the singer snuggled closer, wrapping himself into the arms of his allayer thankful.


Impatiently the small man was walking back and forth, his head hanging in between checking his reflection in the mirror.
“What is it?” the young drummer asked who couldn't understand the older and also didn't want to understand him. He was full of energy, jumping and dancing through the backstage.
Brian only shot him an irritated look.
“You're still missing them?” the Swede looked up from his ironing compassionately. He knew Brian long enough.
Caught the singer hung his head only a little deeper, ashamed of being such an emotional bundle.
The other two shared the same fate and it was obvious they dealt much better with it. Why did all emotions have to be stronger on him? Or was it equally strong to them? Was he only weaker?
Stef put the iron aside, walked around the board to pull his friend into a close hug.
“You'll see them soon. Much more time has passed already than is still ahead.”
Huge ocean-blue eyes looked up at him, weighing what the tall man had told him. Probably he was right?
“Maybe you can distract yourself a bit with tuning your guitars?” the Swede finally gave a shove to the little siren in his arms after pressing him close to his body another time.
He only nodded as he trotted towards the equipment.
“I also miss them, honey. But it's soon.” Stef added, watching him walk away.
And really, a wonderful little smile was making its way to light his features as sunk in it was really not that long anymore.


His hands were shaking, if only slightly, his breathing a little too fast for being healthy, sweat already building in the pits of his arms from the excitement of what was ahead.
He took one more sip of the tea in his hands before he put the cup aside carelessly.

He could hear them. He could hear them since quite a while already. But as he approached, the sound became more and more clear and took hold of his heart more and more.
As he passed the broad shouldered fellow who held out his magic wand for him he nodded a short thank you with a slight smile on his tight lips.
The tension was palpable.

And then he was there.
Standing right in front of them.
He had missed them so much.
And for much too long for his liking.
But now they were reunited.
He took a deep breath of relieve.
They were like the oxygen in the air, that he needed to survive.

“Hello.” He whispered in a low voice sure they would quiet down to listen what he had to tell them.
When he was sure he had their full attention he looked at them with sparkling eyes, trying to meet each pair or theirs.
“I am very happy you came. This is a special day of the year and I hope you help me to make it an unforgettable one.”
The cheers, whistles and cries that were the reply gave him the chills. He was home, was with the ones he loved and that loved him back.

FanArt drawing left and right by Marie Molko 

“Happy Valentine!” He shouted, looking up from his guitar with wet eyes as he already boiled the mass with the first chords of B3.


Placebo Valentines Fanfiction by G.S. chocolate in colaboration with Placebo Anyway