Thursday, June 12, 2014

Brian Molko "I don't listen to rock-n-roll" Interview Russia @ 2014

Brian Molko "I don't listen to rock-n-roll"
Interview Russia 2014 - Link 

Tranlsated into English by Xenia GerasimovaLayout SusanneCkPlacebo Anyway

Correspondent: Since then you founded Placebo passed nearly 20 years. What seems the most important thing to you for this period of time?
Brian:  Serious question. I would say that the most significant thing is that the band has been very productive for a long time, that we refuse to leave the scene.
We are not able to do other things. I have never had a normal job. I have finished the university and created the band, make up & compose songs. That is what I do.
There were so many bands who started their career at the same time with us and they gave in and went to job. The idea that I should do the same seemed to me very depressive. In this way we are Rolling Stones - they have enough money, they needn't to go on tours, but they have nothing in their minds what else they can do. And we either.
And now the band is in a privileged position. Every time we recorded a new album, it is interesting to people to listen to our music. Even 20 years later. It's incredible! And I am very very appreciative for it.
Correspondent: How your poetic habilities/attainments have changed during this period of time?
Brian: I think I have become better in writing stories. Stories with  the characters. You can hear
it in our new album LLL.
Paradoxically, but using of this literary method makes author more vulnerable, personally in his songs.

Correspondent: How did the Internet change musical industry?
Brian: Changed totally! Nobody buys vinyl or CD...

Correspondent: Is it bad or good?
Brian: I think it depends on customer, isn't it?
The whole generation has been brought up being confident that things in which you have devoted yourself, all your efforts and money must be free.To my mind If you don't buy music of your favourite band, then band can't exist playing music anymore. Musicians will stop it and go to the usual job. For example, to drive a taxi or to wipe glasses in a bar.
Correspondent: I hope you have enough money not to leave music?
Brian: To be honest, I wouldn't like to discuss financial questions.

Correspondent: What do you think about Conchita Wurst - «Eurovision» winner 2014?
Brian: Are you really asking me about «Eurovision»?!! Are you really doing this? It's a waste of time!! I have no TV, I don't watch it and I am absolutely shitting on «Eurovision»!! It is even not a cultural event. So asking me about it - a waste of time.
Correspondent:   Tell us about mad actions of your fans.
Brian:  When they jump on the stage, it can be very dangerous. When they have come out on scene, then, there are accidents of equipment breaking. We don't approve actions like this. And, fortunately, such actions are becoming more and more rare. But people still make efforts to run out on the stage and embrace me while I am playing a song. But, damn, guy, why are you doing this? I am trying to work here! It is not the best time now to hug me.
Also for these twenty years there are so many things have been thrown at me. Bottles with urine, bullets and ham, ham boxes. It's unbelievable! Oh, yes, and coins! Coins - it's really painful!
Correspondent: You have a lot of collaborations with other musicians. What cooperation did you like more?
Brian: I can't answer this question. It would be very rude.

Correspondent: Tell about your son.
Brian: Cody loves me very much.
One might say, he has grown with the band. He has seen how  difficult it’s to play music and go on tours.

Correspondent: Everybody says your music is dark. Do you like listening something more cheerful? Pop music, for instance? Reggae?
Brian: Reggae? I like Reggae!
And moreover I love classic music and opera. I don't listen to rock-n-roll much. I don't think there is interesting stuff in this genre of music.
My favorite rock band is The National. Also I like Queens of The Stone Age. And girls band from California - Warpaint. I like them very much too.

Correspondent:  Some people think you are alike with Jared Leto. What do you think about this comparison?
Brian: We are acquainted. Jared is very talented. He has won the Oscar Award (the supporting role in "Dallas buyers' club"). He is a very interesting person. So that, if people compare us, that is not a problem for me.
Correspondent: Are you a happy person?
Brian: Yes, quite happy. I am very lucky - I do, what I like doing.
Most of people are not lucky as me"
Tranlsated into English by Xenia GerasimovaLayout SusanneCkPlacebo Anyway