Saturday, March 15, 2014

Brian Molko #MolkoFourOh


As you all know on the 10th of December 2012 Mr Brian Molko turned 40 years old. Fans around the world clubbed together to share their love under the #MolkoFourOh hashtag campaign. :-)

Don't think for one moment that Brian didn't see the campaign and has this to say to you all: 

" ... Dear Placebo fans and everyone who organised and participated in the MolkoFourOh campaign,
Well the "big" day has come and gone, and i don't feel any different. 
i've been dying my hair for many years now. musical trends i never understood have had their time in the sun (btw - wtf was grime all about???!!!). 
Hardly anybody writes in full, grammatically correct sentences anymore, uses punctuation or even bothers to spell (see above lol!) and the weight is getting harder to keep off, y'know...and still i don't feel old.
Thank fuck for rock 'n' roll : possibly the only thing on the planet that allows man-babies like myself to "live long and prosper" in the ever-increasingly too public eye. a place where arrested development and peter pan complexes are de rigueur and encouraged rather than derided or scorned.
Thank fuck for every single one of you : the faithful and devoted, the fanatics and the maniacs, the obsessed and addicted. you are my band's lifeblood, without whom we well and truly would be nothing, y'know.
I only became aware of this amazing campaign quite late into its existence, but, more importantly, i didn't understand its sheer magnitude until a few days ago - so sorry for the "cute little thing" comment on xfm.
I am sincerely touched and blown away by what all of you guys have achieved and all the effort every single one of you put into it. I am also humbled by all the love and joy coming my way from all across the globe. I would never have thought it possible so thanks for proving me wrong!

You made it special, You made it real. 
You made it okay and now you know.

peace and respect,

x bm .... "