Sunday, June 12, 2016

Riverman Management on Bloodknot Radio - Placebo Manager 2016



In June 2016 I was not only given the chance to interview Placebo's manager (Billie McLean), I was actually invited to spend the afternoon with him and his family.

I affectionately refer to Dave as "The Silent Man" because in over 30 years at the sharp end of the music industry, he has NEVER given an interview.

Dave had promoted everyone from Iron Maiden to Nirvana before moving into big league management with Placebo.

I am honoured to be the first person to get this opportunity and ecstatic that he has picked Bloodknot Radio as his "go to place" in the future.!! As a result of this, I have decided to make our first "multi-cast" production, allowing other networks to access and use this feature.

It does not get much more exclusive than that. Gav and I are beaming with pride.

As a result, we are giving "Riverman Management" a dedicated page on the Web site and the full feature will be available on our "anytime" service from today.

The documentary i have made is one of the most insightful, frank and revealing features I have ever heard. This is "reality radio" like you have never heard before.

I can't thank them enough for allowing me to be the one to break Dave's silence. This is only the first of many exclusives they are giving Bloodknot Radio.

If you want to be kept in the loop, you know where your first port of call should be.!!

Thanks guys. Wee Neil.

Listen to the interview
Sources: Riverman Management & Bloodknot Radio