Monday, March 31, 2014

Placebo @ “Stridently Loud” - Revista Flash Mexico 2014

“Stridently Loud”
Placebo. Played a great gig infringement of 6300 people at the Banamex auditorium         
By Miguel Angel Arritola for Revista Flash online magazine as retrieved from:

When Placebo chose the title of their latest album, they were, most likely, thinking that their live show would be strong, loud and full of energy.

And it is exactly how it was the gig of the British band on March 28 at the Banamex auditorium where 3600 fans of Brian Molko, Steve Forrest and Stefan Olsdal experienced the 115 most exhilarating moments of their lives.

From the beginning both the musicians and the audience established a strong connection that grew stronger by the minute. And by the end of the show, passed midnight, the audience was left immersed in a plethoric adrenaline rush.

The show was really simple, since Placebo has kept its minimalistic spirit from the 90s. A giant led screen at the back, some lighting effect and three more musicians were all they needed to offer a great show that was good even for their most demanding fans.

The set list included 22songs that were more than enough for the audience of mostly twenty-somethings.

The mysterious and dark personality of Molko shined even more than on the previews occasions the band had come to the city. And his powerful, angsty voice was better than ever.

After the supporting band Cancel finished their set, Placebo. Came to the stage and without further athou played B3 and For What Is Worth.

Before the third song Olsdal said to the audience in Spanish: "Thank you, good afternoon Monterrey we are Placebo. We have tried to translate the title of this song but it is impossible.”

The song was “Loud Like Love” which was deserving of the first ovation of the night, although the audience got louder with “Twenty Years”, “Too Many Friends”, “Every You Every Me”, “Scene Of The Crime”, “A Million Little Pieces”, “Speak In Tongues” and “Rob The Bank”.

And very intense bit of the concert since the musicians played nonstop. Then Olsdal spoke again to the audience: “next song is dedicated to you and especially to a producer who made a video for this song that is for you”- Said Olsdal before playing "Purify".

The night went on with “Space Monkey”, “Blind” and “Exit Wounds”.

And mistake (actually it was an injury*) from the drummer made Molko stop 'Meds' which made some people in the audience said: "It's a play back."

Maybe Molko understood and to prove them wrong played a flawless version of the song.

After "Song To Say Goodbye”, "Special K" and "The Bitter End" the night's most requested Molko and company said goodbye even though some songs were missing from the set list.

After a five minutes break the British band came back on stage to deliver some of the classics "Teenage Angst” and the Kate Bush cover "Running Up That Hill”. "Post Blue" and "Infra-Red" ended Placebo's loud gig.

At the end Molko, Forrest, Olsdal and the rest took hands and said goodbye to the audience who received, as an extra gift, the drumsticks Forrest threw to the audience.

Translated by Diana E. T. Foghin
Photos by Instagram, twitter and Facebook Placebo Fans Latinoamerica
Design by SusanneCk

*clarification made by the translator.
