Wednesday, November 7, 2018

NEW - Interview with with photographer Anthony Saint James about the photo Brian Molko having a bath.

Photo credits: Anthony Saint James

Interview with with photographer Anthony Saint James about the photo Brian Molko having a bath.

You can read it here:

Interview by Anastasiya Loginova, 2018
Anthony Saint James has taken one of the hottest pictures with Brian Molko smoking in the tub. In this interview he told the details about this special photo shoot.
Anastasiya Loginova: Anthony, thank you for your participation. Your photo is one of my favourite pictures of Brian Molko. It's so sexy! Did you make up this idea about him having a bath or it had been discussed before with Brian or with the editor of the magazine?
Anthony Saint James: The idea of Brian in the bathtub was something that we discussed over the phone prior to us meeting for the photo shoot. The only things that I brought with me were the candles and the bubble bath that you see in the photograph. All of the other items were things that Brian brought to co-create this idea that he had.
Anastasiya Loginova: What should you prepare before Brian's coming?
Anthony Saint James: Being that I met Brian at his Los Angeles hotel room, I didn't prepare anything prior to arriving. I came prepared with a few props and we worked to create the set in his bathroom.
Anastasiya Loginova: How much time did this photo shoot take? Did you have any breaks? How many people were involved in the photo shoot?
Anthony Saint James: I probably spent a little bit more than an hour with Brian we didn't really have any breaks because there was just enough time to shoot the photos.
Anastasiya Loginova: What did you remember about your mutual work with Brian? What can you say about this certain experience with him?
Anthony Saint James: The single-most memorable thing about my experience with Brian was laughing with him in his attempts to make smoke rings with the cigar in the tub. Overall, he was just really fun to work with.
Anastasiya Loginova: Maybe, there were some interesting or funny situations during the photo shoot?
Anthony Saint James: Well, aside from the smoke rings, you can imagine getting a bubble bath ready for a photo shoot is challenging and a funny thing to do. We had to pause between every few shots to get the bubbles just right and to make sure there was enough, especially to cover Brian's private bits. But we had a lot of fun doing it!
Photo: Anthony Saint James.